![]() Topic awaiting preservation: A God? (Page 1 of 1) |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: The Hole |
![]() The Big bang theory states that out of an infinit mass, of an infinitly small size, giving it an infinitly high density out of nowhere merged with an infinitely large amount of energy and "kaboom" it expanded. Now there has been research on antimatter. we have actually slamed an atom of antimatter into an atom of matter in a particle acclerator. They neutralized each other releaseing a high amount of energy. basicaly there is an element of antimatter for every element of matter. this is logical because if not then there is no big bang. we have discovered as we look farther and farther in to space (which is farther and fatrher back in time) that we see the early development stages of the universe. suggesting that a big bang must have occured. upon the time of the big bangs occurence it would have just caved back in at the very moment it hapened because there is nothing stoping the newly created antimatter from joining with their newly created counterparts of matter. The only way this could be avoided is by haveing an element of inconformity existing before the occurence that throwed the naturally symetric expansion off so that it would lose its symetry and disrupt the natural attraction of these atoms. This element of inconformity is then the creator of the physics of our universe. Is this God? |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers From: Cell 53, East Wing |
![]() vomithorder: I don't think we areally know enough about the Big Bang to be that certain. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: The Hole |
![]() absolutley not we must have faith that is what god wants from us! |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: Dans le ciel, avec les étoiles... |
![]() God works in many ways, and people accept these understandings differently. Thus the basis for the numerous religions in the world today. God is everything, and i suppose that antimatter is an acceptable theory to prove his existance. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Rouen, France |
![]() From what I've read about Big Bang, there was no "symetric expansion". The Big Bang was the meeting of material and anti-material. Everything should have disappeared in it, but somehow material won over anti-material and began expanding in this universe. When the Big Bang happened, at that precise moment, anti-material simply ceased to exist in our universe (but we can recreate it now). There was no "element of inconformity"... But I have to agree, this whole thing is still very unknown, we are speculating on mere hypothesis and not proven facts. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: The Hole |
![]() this element of incomformity is what made matter overcome there must have been an element of incomformity to do this without it there would have been nothing to turn the tables one way or the other |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: under the bed |
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Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Rouen, France |
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Maniac (V) Inmate From: Brisbane, Australia |
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Bipolar (III) Inmate From: The Hole |
![]() OK folks I think im gonna have to explain antimatter a bit more. In a normal atom you have an electron with a negative charge, a neutron with a neutral charge, and a proton with a positive charge. in an atom of antimatter the electron has a positive charge, the proton has anegative charge, I dont know about the neutrons charge, and all are givein different names. they attract each other and when the collide a ton of energy is released. The reaseon for the chaos of random activity is because of this element of incomformity. with out this element every thing would have scattered symetrically from the center of the blast. the natural electromagnetic and gravitational pull would have brought them back just as symetric as they went. the element of incomformity is necesary to through this symetry off. giving you random chaos or in physics terms our law of an ever increaseing state of intropy. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Washington DC |
![]() consider the fact that all the particles are not going to have the same exact mass, so therfore different particles will have a more powerful eletromagnetic pull, thus causing certain particles to appear to be behaving incomformititily. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: under the bed |
![]() Yup, I think we all understand what antimatter is...that's not in question VH.... |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers From: Cell 53, East Wing |
![]() Now explain Uncle Matter....... |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: The Pool Of Life |
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Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Houston, TX, USA |
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Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Raleigh, NC |
![]() I've said it once, i'll say it again.... |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: under the bed |
![]() Sanzen - can you show me where and how science says that god did not do all these things that science has discovered? |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: The Hole |
![]() exactly! you need faith god only wants those who are faithful and not those who change sides when they dont know enough to have things absolutly proven to them |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: The Hole |
![]() as for the particles of differing mass. They all came from a single mass. when they were concived they were so symetricaly! the only way they could be done so otherwise is through the aid of another element of inconformity. the key to all of this is none of this would be without the element of incomformity to throw the perfect symetry off. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Happy Hunting Grounds... |
![]() Amen DL...well said. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: under the bed |
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Maniac (V) Inmate From: Brisbane, Australia |
![]() Faith, who said anything about Faith? |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Houston, TX, USA |
![]() drac, i think the christian God being discussed is due to moon shadow's comments where he directly addressed the christian faith. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: The Hole |
![]() Immediately after the Big Bang the universe was tremendously hot as a result of particles of both matter and antimatter rushing apart in all directions. As it began to cool, at around 10^-43 seconds after creation, there existed an almost equal yet asymmetrical amount of matter and antimatter. As these two materials are created together, they collide and destroy one another creating pure energy. there was an asymmetry in favor of matter. As a direct result of an excess of about one part per billion, the universe was able to mature in a way favorable for matter to persist. As the universe first began to expand, this discrepancy grew larger. The particles which began to dominate were those of matter. They were created and they decayed without the accompaniment of an equal creation or decay of an antiparticle. There has to have been an element of inconformity to offset the balance so that the rate of our universe's favoring matter could exist |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: The Hole |
![]() that element of incomformity is god by a more scientific definition a powerful being for it seems to independently act as it choses. That element would have had to of existed before the big bang or in more understandable words not as a result of the big bang. For if it was a result it would have an equivelant antimatter atom. this would undermine the nature of it compleatly leaving nothing to disproporion the two types. the element could not have existed after the big bang because the big bang would not have been a sucess and would have collapse just as it expanded or in other words never happened at all. However if it existed before the big bang occured then it must have been a part of this infinetly dense mass becouse of the natural attraction of mass. this leaves us with one other option that this element was created at the same time when the big bang occured. This though is irrational because their is no logical creator because the universe is nothing but a reation to the previous actions if not then what is science good for? this element has no creator! what about the previous example of the element existing prior to the big bang. this could not have coexisted with the infinitly small matter. that too is irrational but we might have the tendancy to accept it both of these. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Happy Hunting Grounds... |
![]() Vomithorder, are you quoting directly from a source? If so, could you perhaps post the source? |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Washington DC |
![]() Perhaps after the big bang there was antimatter, matter, and also this element of inconformity you refer to. Why does there only have to be matter and antimatter? Could not an element of inconformity have been created from the big bang. I mean, after all, it is the big bang. |