Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: New Jersey, USA Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-08-2001 22:18
Butcher walking slowly down dark hall, talking to himself
Boy it sure is scary in the Mad Scientists wing of the Asylum. I hope none of them are in here so I can just leave my note and get the hell out of here. AHHHH!!! Whew! boy that sure is a very life like wax statue of twitch^, I almost wet my pants when I saw that.
pokes his head into the Mad Scientists lounge cell
Oh good, I don't think anybody is here. Wow... what a place they have here! They've even got a gym and a locker room. Oh... how cool... the lockers are done up to look like grave stones. I guess it can't hurt to take a look. I wonder who's locker this is, let's see, it has a saying written on it... ~He who dies with the most posts wins~ Must be Vogonpoets. Yep! There's his extra mop.
Moves on to next locker
No doubt this next one belongs to Twitch, the inscription on it, although very artfully done says... Fuck Off.
Pushes his luck and checks out yet another locker
Oh man... would you look at the set on the picture on that locker, man is she gorgeous. What's it say underneath? HTML Beauty... Oh, should'a known, Mr. Max's locker. Well I better get done what I came for and get outta here before someone comes.
Hears small barking noise from unmarked locker and opens it
Oh shit.... I wonder if Shiii even knows her toe muncher is missing.
Quickly closes locker door and looks around for something to write a note on
Oh good, a text pad, I'll just use this.
Dear Mad Scientists,
I am writing this note to ask for your help and words of great wisdom in a matter that I think would be beneficial to all. I wrote to DocOzone to ask him if there was something I could help out with to try and make some small restitution for all of the wonderful education and assistance that I have received in this forum. He thought the project mentioned in the post started by Bunchapixels, sounded like a good idea, and asked me to come to the Mad Scientists lounge and start a thread on the subject. Although I did start a thread, I believe the words I used were, by my own admission, not well chosen, or set in the proper tone. So I come here one more time, (at the risk of great bodily harm) to ask you to expound on the sentiments already started in Bunchapixels thread. With that, and a lot of Doc's vision and help, I hope to do some good with it.
Thank you 
Drops pencil, and runs like a bat out of hell
[This message has been edited by butcher (edited 05-08-2001).]
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-09-2001 05:55
bunchapixels wandering through hall, scratching himself
so THAT'S where my twitch voodoo doll went!
i soooo cant wait until i get my own locker! but then again, its just as much fun stealing stuff outta everyone else's.
sees note, and reads
heh! that's some idea!
warning signs around the asylum! "twitch's cage - STAY THE FUCK OUT" or "vogonpoet's domain - beware of projectile mops" or "weadah's zone - dank conditions ahead".
...and all sorts of warnings of the tricky parts in the asylum, the behaviour that the mad scientists dont put up with - pffft! what happened to learning the 'ELECTRO-SHOCK' way?
well, i spose this could reduce our electricity bills!
.....ok, well, i dont feel like anyone with any authoritarian abitily to give the the go ahead or stop, but here's what i reckon:
when i brought it up, people said "yeah, good idea." end of story.
when you brought it up people said "yeah, good idea" -or at least thought it.
what now?
well, the way i see it, there are two main issues:
1) content - whoever wants to can look at, write on their own, or open submissions for and organise, what to write. if someone wants to do this, go for it. otherwise, im happy to look after this.
2) implementation - maybe someone can make a site which looks like one page of the asylum, and they can put the little thing somewhere on the site, so we can see exactly how this thing will work. again, im not going to take this task, but i think i may have enough dhtml knowledge to help if needed.
so butcher - do you want to look after this mini project? do you want to nominate someone else chair the project? do you want a team effort, or what?
right now, i think the best idea is something akin to the tutorial submission process at GN.
but, as i was saying - butcher - expound on what YOU want to do. expound on what you want US to do. and lets have some fun here.
b u n c h a p i x e l s
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-09-2001 06:02
yeeee ha! it's double postin' time!
i just came up with an interesting idea: a membership test. asylum aptitude test, if you will.
Q1: you are allowed to speak your mind in this forum T/F
Q2: you are allowed to exchange serial numbers in this forum T/F
Q3: you are allowed to be normal in this forum T/F
any wrong answers will instantly set a cookie in the users browser that redirects them to a 'mainstream' developers site.
ok, anyways....
butcher - paraphrasing twitch in a previous post - get specific. tell us exactly what areas you plan on having. tell us - "i need some advice for site submission."
or whatever.
and chances are, someone, somewhere, will lend a hand.
just make sure that doc lends a hand with the tone. i love the way that guy writes, its just so damned friendly.
b u n c h a p i x e l s
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: New Jersey, USA Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-09-2001 14:54
Thanks Bunch
I would love to look after this little project, although I won't be able to do it without it being a team effort.
I was trying, (apparently very badly) to ask for submissions. The Doc suggested it be broken into sections.
- "How to post a site, and what to expect"
- "How you should critique a site".
Being that I don't make it into the site review forum very often, I don't know how many subsections (if any) these two groups should be broken into. If anyone has any immediate thoughts on the subject, I'd love to hear them. Otherwise I'm sure some obvious groups will show up after we start getting submissions. I would like to know if you guys think I should just put up a thread for each section for submission here in the Mad Sci forum, or in the Ozone form.
I'll keep track of the submissions as they come in, and organize them.
As I am not the visionary that most of you are for defining the look and feel of a web site before I have the content, I would also greatly appreciate any suggestions or ideas you may have along those lines.
I am completely willing to do everything my skill set allows to get this finished. That being said, my toolbox isn't quite as full as the rest of you here. I may need to borrow some of your tools, and maybe even have you show me how to use them.
I'm looking forward to doing this, and thanking you in advance for you help.
Bipolar (III) Mad Scientist
From: Eastbourne, UK. Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-09-2001 21:25
Peers around door.....woohoo! empty.......strolls over to Kenworth radiator grill propped against walll....reads inscription and smiles happily...
......'Phil - rust in peace'......
...wassat fluttering across floor....hmmmm (picks it up)....hey a note from Butcher.
/*Reads again in case Bunchapixels happens to digest any remark I make, and thinks I'm trying to make real text from text again......mind you, he could be right, maybe it is impossible....thinks back to science project on Alchemy.....maybe not....on second thoughts maybe it is....hey ho!.....wonder why he keeps making the pfffft farting noises?*/
Now if I've got this right, Butcher wants to help organise things, keep things in check....yeah that's cool......hmmmmmmmmmmmm
/*Sits down by the mopheads effigy 'n starts writing*/
Got it!....hmmmmm, what if the guys don't like this, maybe I'll just forget it.
/*Gets up to leave.....stops 'n sits down again*/
Ah WTF, hehe, kinda sound like twitch^ now......jeez this place makes ya go a little loopy sometimes....hehe
Ok here we go...(starts writing).....how about if the Doc creates a new forum, then maybe heeeee...........drifts off into thought.....
1. Create New Forum
2. As each new member registers and hits submit, they are taken to a holding page which says:-
please wait while your application is processed, in the meanwhile we are re-directing you to our Reception area, where you will be met by Butcher. Who will be happy to answer all your questions concerning the Asylum, and explain to you the Ozone etiquette. All you've gotta do is ask, however silly or menial you think the question maybe.
3. When they arrive at reception, they will find many open threads such as:-
a) How long has the Asylum been around?
b) How do I get a signature to work?
c) What's UBB?
d) How many guys here use Macs?
e) What editors do the guys in here use?
f) What are the archives for?
g) How long have these guys been doing this stuff?
h) Would any of the inmates object if emailed them with a question?
....kinda similar to 'Ask Jeeves', except it'll be 'Ask Butcher'.....
hmmmm, wonder if this is the sort of thing Butcher's after....nah....another silly idea again....jeez Phil, you're getting like Wacko Jacko.....
Hohum, think I'll go find Toe Muncher and see if wants to play some today...........
[This message has been edited by Phil (edited 05-09-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Nurse's Station Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-09-2001 22:26
~Tip toes in and smaks ToeMuncher with a rolled up newspaper~ C'mere my wittle pet !
Oh a reception holding area....good idea...I can ummm slip them into their jackets and slap a Black Pill down their throat.... ok ok and give them some water to wash it down with.... peachy?
ToeMuncher if you wanna see the killer beast http://www.tryptych.net/shiiizzzam
edit: fixed sig.. I think
[This message has been edited by vogonpoet (edited 05-09-2001).]
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-09-2001 22:41
oops... mistake.
[This message has been edited by taxon (edited 05-09-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: New Jersey, USA Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-10-2001 00:27
Thanks for the thoughts Phil. You've got some great ideas there, but an interactive FAQ forum was just a little bigger project than I had in mind. Although a beginners forum might be the only one I have enough of a knoweledge base to moderate, "silly" and "menial" are definitely a major part of my skill set.
Oh yea, and I'm glad you found Toe Muncher before anything happened to him Shii.
[This message has been edited by butcher (edited 05-10-2001).]
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-10-2001 04:38
BY JEEVES (oh hang on, its BY BUTCHER now!), I'VE GOT IT!
shiiizzzam's posts enlightened my, as though i had just sat in a full bath, and made it overflow!
membership to the asylum is only granted once an 'asylum correctional peripheral (TM)' has been fitted.
this can be electrodes which go from the back of the pc and are connected to the testicles, or a bionic arm alongside the monitor, armes with a rolled up newspaper. (or any other device.)
these devices will be controlled by mad scientists, and used at their discretion. if someone does something stupid, they will learn pretty darn quickly not to do it again!

b u n c h a p i x e l s
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-10-2001 06:07
quote: From everything I've seen in the Asylum, there is only one rule/law/whatever that seems to be agreed on by the majority of peopel here, and that is the one about warez. Nuff said.
true, that is the only law, silence, but we're talking about protocol, and flame saving.
if you go to site reviews, and read thru there, and find twitch's little bit of advice about submitting sites, you'll see what we mean.
this is about time saving, and simple rules of thumb.
ie: if you ask people to sift thru your code, and you havent even bothered to check it yourself, then expect people to get annoyed.
if you ask a simple question without searching thru the archives, then don't be suprised if some people are a little irritated
etc etc etc.
b u n c h a p i x e l s
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: soon to be "the land down under" Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 05-10-2001 08:05
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-10-2001 08:09
silence - i replied here cause this is the newest version of that old thread - they are not supposed to be separate subjects.
but yes, i think you are right - the only concrete rule i know of is not to do warezy things.
but the scope of this project extends somewhat further than the concrete rules.
b u n c h a p i x e l s
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Europe Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-10-2001 17:47
*sliding down the chimeney... *
-finally, i am in. where is the lockers? I'll just follow the smell. -
*tripping over bones of former (living) maniacs and... after steping in a wolves trap reaching the lockers. Cold sweat running down my scalp as dark light shimmers down the lockers. taking out a marker and writing on the floor*
-why would somebody want to search a 5 pages long archieve to find his answers if some Mad Scientist is going to answer him anyway.-
*on second thought*
-if they wouldn't ask questions the smarter part of us knows. Then how would they be supposed to be able to get thousends of postreplies and their promotion to become a Mad Scientist?-
[/i]*taking a sip of a magic potion and dissolving into blue smoke which hovers back and up the chimeney. without steping in that $!@!* trap again*[/i]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: New Jersey, USA Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-10-2001 23:07
Thank you for so eloquently answering those questions. I would never had handled that with such aplomb.
BTW, when you get those electrodes ready and working, would you hook me up? I think I need a good shock therapy. 