From: Darwin, NT, Australia Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 07-06-2004 23:44
Let's widen it out a little this week.
We might as well have another POW 50 else it will all get too confusing
Usual Rules:
1. Photo needs to go along with the subject in some way.
2. Use thumbnails for photos with any dimension larger than 450 px or over 40 kb.
3. Post as many as you want.
4. At the end of the week the person who chose the topic will pick someone to choose the next topic. This isn't a "winner", just someone who gets to suggest the next topic.
5. No sigs.
[edit] Sorry for the delay on my part - I got that used to seeing TCG on the end of the thread that if it wasn't for silver-dragon we'd be stuck in ground hog day for ever[/edit]
Cool topic.
I posted this a few weeks ago, but the occasion calls for a rerun : )
And, very cool wasp, cyoung. What is that white thing the wasp is sitting on?
Damselfly Brother Fox
I haven't looked at all the photos submitted yet, but I sure will after posting this. I did see the the dolphins, synax how cool was that! It is one of my big wishes to swim with dolphins like that, was it as exciting as it looks?
Tao: It was an experience. There was about 5 dolphins swimming around doing tricks with us, and a baby who was learning to do them.
They would do this one trick where you lay flat on your stomach, and two of them come up behind you and push you by your feet, so you're flying like superman. My girlfriend said the baby was trying to push her before the 2 larger dolphins came and did it.
synax, I'm planning to go to Dingle Bay in the west of Ireland for a chance to swim with a Dolphin there called Fungus (I think that's his name) As far as I know that is the nearest place to me where I may get the opportunity.
[ed]phat phingers[/ed]
From: Darwin, NT, Australia Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 07-14-2004 00:39
OK fellow loonies; weeks up. Congratulations all, on a quality selection. It was very hard to single out any one entry; the clarity of cy's dragonfly was brilliant, colouring in Tao's damselfly was a treat and kret's snake put a great twist on what can often be (for me anyway), really creepy snake pictures.
In the endup, I chose shekky's Galapogos lady killer for the way the shell sort of frames that disdainful smirk. The slowness of my dial up connection had me wondering what the hell would be revealed, adding that extra something that an ordinary photo could never portray.
Here´s for some late contributions, (university is eating into my internet time, heh):
These two are recent photos; that´s not my cat, it just sat in a driveway when I came by whith my camera:
The two wasp photos I have posted before, but since I like them so much, and had to reupload them anyway after my old host went down, here they are again:
See you next week!
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
- Seneca
There is this place in Texas, which I just visited recently to visit some family, called Fossil Rim,
where you can feed animals while driving around in your car. It's a great place. Anyway....
It a beautiful country region with mountains (well...they would be called hills anywhere besides central Texas), with nothing around, and tons of different animals. There are Antelope, Bison, Cheetah's (in a cage, but about 10 times the size of zoo cages), White Nosed Coati, Greater Sandhill Cranes, Deer, Emu's, Thompson's Gazelle, Giraffe's, Ocelot's (I love Ocelot's), Oryx, Ostrich's, Prairie Chicken's, White Rhino's, Wildebeest, Wolves, and Zebra's.
You drive around for about 4 hours or so with a huge cup of food and feed all the animal's, and sometimes a Giraffe will even come up to the car and bend down to eat out of your hand. It's pretty cool. The Zebra's are the most fun though because they get really crazy and stick their whole head in your window. The Ostrich's are pretty funny to, they seem to have figured out that if they can get the cup out of your hand, they get all the food in it. They will grab at it and try and take it from you, and you pretty much have to push their head back.
OOPS let this one go didn't I , topic forthcoming
if you have a look through that whole gallery Ian theres some other wonderful pics from that trip. It was a 6 week barefoot cruise through the Galapogos Islands Strictly Animal watching and 96 rolls of film. The tortois was actually in the wild atop an island I hiked up you could literally walk right up to any animal that was there and stick a camera in its face .... I need to go back
Thanks for the descriptive tour Gilbert It sounds like a beautiful place, I'll have to see if I can get another web source for info on it. Thank you for taking the time.
From: Darwin, NT, Australia Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 07-17-2004 09:33
^^ shekk That must have been a great trip; took me a fair while to view them all on dial up but it was certainly worth it. I viewed them from last to first, and noticed a quantum leap on the evolutionary time line of the Galapogos Island inhabitants in the last two files .