InI said:
Well, Shazz, a hearty welcome!
Thanks ! In fact I'm looking silenciously to thios board since a few weeks... especially to the 20 liners compo
Great challenges !
InI said:
Question 1 is hard to answer: it doesn't create threads in IE for example,as
the function calls all are child of the IE process.1)So, "thread" is
not the right word here, especially considering those pseudo threadsare not
safe, and not synchronized: they execute themselves "as they can" depending on
the available cpu.It's more like one thread calling many
functions..I personally find it faster to perform calls to only one
function using setTimeout or setInterval,because both of them tend to
evaluate the expression you pass, and therefore,create large amounts of
unnecessary garbage in memory (instead of a direct call).
Yep, I don't know what they are, threads, light processes,... but for sure not safe (lock lock lock)! But they provided this capability to manage the priority of your code... and that's nice to be able to prioritize the display using many setIntervals to have a smooth anuimation (+1px) instead of huge image shift... So I'll follow you, I'll use 1 fn per setIntervall 
InI said:
2)It is better not only to initialize all the needed variables first,but
also, to get them before execution, eg. to store references to themin an
array before handling the references.
That's still not very clear for me... I see that my game goes slower each time I add a DIV containing a new image... so even if I understand that it is better to instanciate things at runtime to have a faster init and of course use table to store chain reference and avoid lookups... but will my application be faster if I limit the code to use a limited number of DIV tags and play with them modifying the IMG url they contain ??
3. okay 
InI said:
And do a google search for Ray Norrish, an "Amiga to JS" freakI am currently
challenging about some script. Another lunatic, not an active member here sadly.
Yep I took a look to his work... nice !
I started a screen like that
simply oldschool effects 
Shazz from MJJ Prod - Old' 680x0 coder looking in da Web world...