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Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 03-06-2006 22:34

Hey...Very strange but I have a computer that is having a weird problem viewing TIFF images. When I click to view a TIFF image, it comes up with an error that says "Document Page File cannot be found". And that's it.

I have set the default app for TIFF files to different programs and still the same error. I have tried to just opent the file from the program (i.e. File -> Open) and still the same thing.

I've googled the problem but came back with nothing...and I mean nothing.

Anyone have a clue as to what I can check or change?

Thanks in advance!



Maniac (V) Inmate

From: raht cheah
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 03-06-2006 22:44

I assume you're tried opening it from the file menu of an app tha tyou know opens/views/writes TIFF format by what you said.

Does it do it with ALL TIFF images or just one you're having trouble with? You imply multiple by using plural but I know I sometimes jump the gun in just this way so I thought I'd ask


CPrompt said:

it comes up with an error that says "Document Page File cannot be found"

What exactly does "it" refer to in the quote above? A system alert box with that error message? A browser window with that message in the viewport? An application specific alert box (which application? all you've tried?)?

I honestly don't know what the answer to your question could be but I've certainly found a few questions (sorry about that)

(Edited by JKMabry on 03-06-2006 22:45)

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 03-07-2006 04:01

heheh...sorry for being so vague. I was pretty tired when I wrote that.

It's any TIFF file I try to open with either a browser, MS Fax and TIFF viewer, Picture Editor, Paint. Doesn't matter what program. Go to File -> Open and what ever program I'm on, it displays a dialog box with that message above

So that's it I guess. I honestly have googled and asked everywhere and no one seems to have a clue as to what the problem is. I thought it might be spyware but every program I run for spyware and viri have come back clean. I even loaded a couple of other programs to see if they work and the same error comes up.




Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Madison, Indiana, USA
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 03-07-2006 21:30

Are all these TIFFs from the same directory (folder)? I assume from your comment tht this is a Windows machine. My first thought was that you have a virus, but you say you have run a vius checker, so maybe you have permissions problem with the files or directory where the files live.


-- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: raht cheah
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 03-07-2006 23:35

lot of it reported in newsgroups with no real answers. I searched the MS knowledgebase as well and wasn't able to sift anything dead-on relevant. A few suggestions for registry tweaks but before you try any of that you might want to make sure you've done all the latest updates for Windows as well as IE.

There are several suggestions such as this that have a lot of app specific information, not knowing your setup any better I'd suggest you just hit the MS K Base for a while til you find something releveant. If it's any help I was getting hits on TIF as well as TIFF.

In case it turns out to be something like the last link above, a TIF created in a certain squirrely app, you might see if you can view this sample done in Illustrator CS for comparison purposes.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

posted posted 03-08-2006 00:12

Try running this:

It repairs "core" file association, not the kind of things you can do using normal Windows dialogs.
Only thing is that it tries to fix it for all graphic file types.

My 2 cents.

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