OK, how about landscape photos from a country you have visited, or a different part of your country, that is different than what you see where you live.
For my part, I've just been suffering from a lack of motivation. I decided to play around with some photos from a recent trip to Taiwan. Don't know if they count as landscapes, but here they are:
Taipei at night, seen from the eighth floor of the Grand Hotel (the tall building on the right is TAIPEI 101)...
This one is stitched together haphazardly by hand from two photos that I didn't really intend to be a panorama, so it's not that neat.
Next is the Taiwanese sea off Hualien, right before a storm...
I could probably dig around in my archives for more, but I wanted something recent that wasn't online already.
I think it is a good topic briggl. It's just that all of my recent photos are taken in my Liverpool hunting grounds. I should have access to some earlier photos some time later today so I'll try to post something up then.
I'm working my little green fingers to the bone atm to pay off my recent cash splurges for a camera (Canon EOS400D), computer (AMD 64bit Dual Core 800 gig) and a new cycle (Quinn specilised hybrid). My work keeps me firmly rooted in a twenty mile radius of home, unlike some people I know
Ok, a lack of imagination, also plays it's part too I'll try to jump start it today.
Tuscany looks beautiful briggl, the hills and soil there make for perfect wine production, did you get to do any quality control?
The stitched photo had me wondering there for a while Suho. Until I realised there was a bridge there crossing the river. At first it looked like the cars just flew over. Still puzzled by the green streak with the red light on top though. Was that a firework?
Yes, Tao, I did manage to get my share of the local wines! The best was from a small winery outside of the Chianti area. They couldn't speak English, but they also gave the best wine tasting we had in Tuscany!
Haven't been more that 30km from my front door for ~6 months, even for work; and then only once...
Hang on a sec' I thought the colonial agreement was that those people shipped out there (and their families) for stealing a loaf of bread or some other horrific crime were not allowed to travel at all? It seems regulations have slipped somewhat
As I mentioned earlier I've not travelled much myself recently so I've come at this from another angle.
You know they say ficial&client=firefox-a">
the past is another country well, here are some photos I took while I was there. One of them was used in a previous POW if I remember correctly.
Whoops sorry Ian, I don't know what came over me. I've booked myself in for some Colonial Irrigation treatment I've been watching too much Empire related "back in the day" Royalty propaganda.
They still treat us like serfs here in Blighty only the delivery method has changed.
I'll just sit here for a while and wait for the tablets to kick in.
Okie dokie set imagination to stretch for this one
Liverpool celebrates it's status as "Capital of Culture" next year. We scousers tend to refer to it as the "Culture of Capital", lot's of money being spent on tall buildings and advertising and a hulking big TV screen plonked in the city centre too. So much for culture. I'd rather the money was spent on saving the existing wonderful but dilapidated architecture in the city and homelessness and training centres for the young and unemployed, but that's just me.
As a result of this (now here comes the rub) the city often look like a "foreign landscape" to me if I haven't visited it for a week or so. The view from the Mersey river looked quite a bit different than this a couple of years ago.
The linked image is just over 1MB in size. I stitched it together from four RAW images with a prog' called "Photostitch" which came in a bundle with my camera and finished it off in PS. Thanks for the inspiration Suho I had fun making it.
Let's see if I can make a post without having to go back and edit a stoopid miustake,
From: Darwin, NT, Australia Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 08-15-2007 07:02
Heeey Tao... good job x 2
No edits... and a great pano
Looks like ya got the same problem as we have with our growing city; the Development Consent Authority,
that's supposed to maintain a modicom of style about the place, is exactly what it says... if it's a development they'll consent to it
lan, I know you didn't submit any photos for this topic, but Tao and Suho have submitted topics more recently than you have. So, can you provide the next topic for us, lan?