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Team Gotterdammerung (GTD) Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=5597" title="Pages that link to Team Gotterdammerung (GTD)" rel="nofollow" >Team Gotterdammerung (GTD)\

This is our revenge team. If anyone attacks your starbase(s), bunker(s), fighters(s), etc., this is the team that will do it's best to wipe the perpetrator off the map.

We are based in this galaxy: Galaxy #29, Smugglers, 4000 Sectors (156001-160000), Type: 5-exit 1-Way

Fractal Genetics [FRA] is also in this galaxy, so be mindful of anything you decide to kill.

For the most part, we want Hyper Battleships/Destroyers and possibly Cruisers to join.
Stock up on Combat computers and lots of fighters. If we each build up a solid bunker (#30 at least) to store stuff in, and only attack those we need to (ie. someone who attacks OZN or FRA).

Purpose for being:
- Avenge attacks on OZN or FRA (or on GTD for that matter)
- Later in the game, 'borrow' planets from other sectors. The fact that they are Hyper allows them to go to other galaxies (for 20,000 AM) without having to buy intergalactic boosters.
- Possibly, very near the end of the game, launch an all-out attack on the top few teams to help bump OZN and FRA up in the team standings.

(Added by: Lord_Fukutoku on Fri 14-Mar-2003)

(Edited by: Lord_Fukutoku on Fri 14-Mar-2003)

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