An easter egg in Photoshop ? I didn't know that.
I just searched for "Photoshop easter egg" in Google. I found interesting eggs even if it is not exactly what you searched for Kaboi. There you go :
For PS 3 and 4 under Mac : Hold down the Command key and choose menu item: Apple Menu > About PhotoShop.
For PS 5 and 6 :
1: Open Photoshop.
2: Hold down the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) key.
3: Go to the layer palette and click on the arrow for the layer palette menu.
4: Drag down and select "Palette Options" from the menu.
5: Say Hello to Merlin, the little wizard.
6: Press "Begone!" to hide Merlin.
For PS 5 :
1: In photoshop, Hold down Ctrl & Alt buttons.
2: Press on the help option and on about photoshop.
3: From now you can leave the buttons... just type the word burp on your keyboard... enjoy it !!!
For PS 6:
1. Hold down CTRL + SHIFT + ALT
3. Beta Code Name Screen appears, with humorous credits.
4. Press down ALT to have credits scroll fast.
For PS 7 :
The wizard :
1: Make sure you see the layers palette, if not, go to Window then click on Layers.
2: In the top right of the layers palette there is a little arrow pointing to the right.
3: Hold ALT, click the arrow and click on Palette Options (still holding ALT).
4. A little window with Merlin and a flower will pop up. The title of the window is "Merlin li...". Makes you want to wonder what the full title is. :-)
Edit : I tried the easter egg for Photoshop 7. I own the French version of Photoshop. The message is not anymore "Merlin li..." but "Merlin est viv...". In French, the sentence is really easy to complete, the only logic answer is "Merlin est vivant". And in English, it translates to "Merlin lives". For once French can be useful hehe 
Strange picture :
1: Hold down Ctrl + Alt
2: While holding down those keys, select Help -> About Photoshop
3: You will see a funny picture
Another wizard Pallete :
1. Hold down Ctrl+Shift
2. Go to layer palete
3. From there chose "Pallete Options"
4. Here is you best toolbar on photoshop
(works also under 5.5 et 6.0)
Edit 2 : I realized instead of writing here all the tricks for all the versions, I should link to Egg heaven, a website with eggs for all types of applications. There are three pages about graphic programs, and several eggs for all the versions of Photoshop. There are also eggs for Illustrator and Image Ready especially.
[This message has been edited by Moon Shadow (edited 07-02-2003).]
[This message has been edited by Moon Shadow (edited 07-02-2003).]
[This message has been edited by Moon Shadow (edited 07-02-2003).]