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wilmonkey: Very nicely done - I like the crayon theme. Some thoughts: 1. Fill in the title tag. I suppose its not so important that it has keyword and description metatags but give it a go (it can't hurt). 2. I'd throw in a splash of CSS to control the text. 3. I'm sure he won't thank you in later life for describing him as a porker on his first web page!! 4. Wow - that surely can't just be for his benefit now can it!!: [url=http://home.adelphia.net/~primatedes/images/DSC00032.jpg]http://home.adelphia.net/~primatedes/images/DSC00032.jpg[/url] 5. I wouldn't open the 'raw' jpeg from the thumbnail I'd have it on its own page with forwards and backwards buttons. 6. I'm not sure about the top of the left column - it might look better if it just went seamlessly into the top bar. Overall it looks good and works well - I'm sure the little fella will thank you for it when he grows up (apart from the bit about being a porker!!) - make sure you archive it or something. Good to see you back. Emps
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