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Everything is hard to read. The top title bar thing is actually impossible to read but I am geussing from what you have said in your post, that it says your URL. You need more. I need some eye candy. Since there is no content there, can we have something with some coolgraphics to draw our attention? The links really hurt my eyes with them being red against the black background. Sorry that I don't really have any suggestions, I just think that you need some more stuff going on. The url at the top and the links are really hard to read. And I am going to guess that you are going to have some problems later on with that gradeiant on the background on your main content table. Don't forget about your font-face specifications and your meta-tags. Good job on making it liquid. <edit>Oh and to let you know, the Asylum doesn't allow language like that. It is associated to hacking and bad stuff. It's got some bad ju-ju around it. That's why your url is being blocked. We just don't want the good Doc to get shut down or anything. Know what I mean?</edit> Later, C:\ ~Binary is best~ [This message has been edited by CPrompt (edited 03-03-2002).]
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