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RammStein: I've not really had the time to review things recently but there has been a few things niggling me about your redesign and I think JKMabry has pinned it down quite nicely. The main problem is that none of the elements are working together as a whole - you have a rectangular banner, circles and box off to one side but it isn't gelling together as a whole. One of your problems is the colours they have demanded you use and (although you've done a nice job with the circles, matching the colours in with those from the pictures) it might be worth seeing if you could negotiate slightly different colours that work together better - both the maroon and the blue look muddy. Now what would I do (apart from try for some sharper colours)? Well you have a maroon which is a highlight kind of colour and a darker colour (blue) and that gray is working well with them both so I'd: 1. Keep the bubble's and possibly push things along with a more circular theme. Try putting the logo into a circle in the top corner and have a few more segments in it where you can show the pictures of insulation (it looks like they've just given you a bunch of publicity snaps to work with hence the awkward shapes). 2. Try and keep that feeling of space and keep those bubbles but make them links to major sections and make the pictures relevant if possible. I'd keep the bubble surround colours the same as at the moment it looks like you are using the colours to separate the pictures into groups for an unknown reason. 3. It depends on the categories but you could have those links (on subsequent pages) in a bubble too. 4. Possible use a background with some kind of arc bottom left to top/middle right to hold the logo and navigation together and delineate the main content area. I know things tend to be boxy and linear these days but using curves and circles/bubbles could work quite nicely. Your redesign is better than the original and it has some elements in that do work and I'd focus on that, using the maroon (especially) and blue sparingly, play around with those ideas and see how things work. Anyway that is what I'd do - what you do is your call. Keep working - its got promise but I'm not sure its there yet. Emps
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