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the-emperor.org: Stage 1
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CPrompt: Cheers. You've hit on most of my concerns: 1. The font is Sumdumgoi see e.g.: [url=http://www.fontfreak.com/fonts-s.htm]http://www.fontfreak.com/fonts-s.htm[/url] quite a common font but I have a soft spot for it. The main problem, as you noticed, is that it stops being legible at medium to low font size (which is why I used Electroharmonix for the GN button). I have a lot of other Oriental fonts and will have a play to see if I can't get the smaller text graphics more legible. I'm not sure which font you were talking about at acid fonts (I'm nosing around now) but all suggestions are greatfully received!! 2. Good tip on the rice paper - I just got that background while playing and I know if I try to make something look too like something else it could go wrong but a little more research never hurt anyone. 3. Link colours - that is something I forgot to mention. I was having trouble getting anything that looked good with the brown. I was looking at reds but again any ideas would be appreciated. 4. A third colour - yes you are right. It all looks a little flat. I was thinking of a very dark red or possibly an offwhite. I was going to put the content in a scrolling layer (coming along nicely) so perhaps I might want to border that with a colour to draw the focus to the content. 5. The Japanese writing? The symbol top left in the main content area is the Chinese symbol Ti which means (amongst other things) Emperor. Its the cursive version (I have ordinary and running too - that got the thumbs up when I asked for opinions in Big Sigs a while back and will be making more of an appearance in the future!!). Thanks for that - all good stuff there (as usual). Emps
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