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DS: Well you wanted subtle and you have subtle (as far as I'm concerned it is on the right side of being too subtle - if that makes sense). I really like it and it works well on a dialup connection. A few points: 1. On the main page you have quite a gap between the bottom of the text and the navigation and in 800x600 it can be just off the bottom of the screen which is a little confusing. 2. That text is pretty small - its not too much of a problem on most pages but when there is a block of it, like on the first page, it can be a bit of a strain (esp. in those subtle colours). 3. All the text are graphics and this will cause some problems to search engine robots and other devices (Lynx, browsers for the blind, etc). As it is your own personal site I don't see that being too much of a problem. 4. I'm not sure why your rollovers don't work in NS4.x - they don't seem too complex. I'll have a nose at you code and see what I can find. Overall I think you've done what you set out to do which is make a very minimalist and subtle site (less is more/Zen) which brings nearly all the focus on to your artwork (which is great too). Its a balancing act between being subtle and being usable and, at least as far as I'm concerned, you've got the balance right there. Nice work. I'll drop my thoughts on your connection problems in the other thread (I deleted the first test one as instructed). Emps
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