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DS: That is a good point about Opera on that setting (I'd forgotten I'd readjust mine to indentify as IE5 during some testing) although I noticed the word 'please' and nothing about screwing oneself!! I do dislike such abrupt upgrade pages and prefer (if anything) a small notice somewhere explaining that some features may not work in older browsers (if that is the case). You aren't doing anything that breaks badly in older browsers (are you? I didn't spot anything) so I don't see the need for that screen. [edit: And I understand you point about Opera's big advert pushing things down but there is a lot of white space above and below the text and it would only take a light trim to make the navigation appear from below the fold. Then again we are big boys and girls and you do explain in the text and there is a big scroll bar which should alert even the most impatient of us so it might not be such a big thing] Emps [This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 03-25-2002).]
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