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Net Ninjas
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My friend and I are starting a Web Design business (what do I mean starting? It's started.) This is our intro page. It doesn't say anything about the company. There are things that need tweaking. However, I would like feedback. Is it something that will fool people into thinking we're impressive? Anyway, tell me what you think. [url=http://www.lunaslovechild.com/NetNinjas.html]Net Ninjas[/url] By the way, Emps, it is good to be back. I had, as you may remember, been getting out of the Navy. Between the time that I had been moved from San Diego back to Michigan and present day, I had no computer most of the time. The other times it was a mac, so I didn't even bother. But things are looking up. Peep this though-- Moving from sunny San Diego where it's warm and your blood is thin, to Detroit, where it's cold and your blood is still thin. Brrr.
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