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Net Ninjas
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Red Ninja: And its good to have you back!! However, I have to agree with the above reviews. Around 220kb isn't too outrageous for a Flash site (and it came through my dailup connection OK) but (and I'm saying this from the position of not being overly fond of splash pages) I couldn't see the point of it: 1. It gives no indication of what the intro is for - games, ninja stuff, etc. 2. The cityscape darkens and then.... is something supposed to happen? Is there a redirect that doesn't work in Op6 (IE6 is sulking tonight) or is that it? Possibly if I already knew you were a design agency that specialised in Flash and I was looking for some Flash goodies then I might sit through that intro to assess your skills (but only once!!) otherwise I'd have been long gone. Move the Flash page to a section demonstrating your skills and cut straight to the chase - but the effort into presenting your actual site and abilities in a broader context. As Flash intros go it had some good points and some bad ones (most of them have been gone over above) I just don't see it as really necessary. However, I am now intrigued about the meat of your company so lets see the real goods!! Emps
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