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Jeni: As you say I've seen the site in development and have made numerous comments. I'll do a full review later (I need to put my other computer back together before bed!!) but two thoughts: 1. overflow:auto doesn't work in Opera and so it breaks and due to the way you have the page set up it breaks nastily. I should have come up with a smooth solution by now but... anyway you need to turn off the height and it should force everything to just fall into a long page. Try something like this (which is a wild stab in the dark but hopefully a JavaScript Guru should be able to spot the problem - if it doesn't work try all[DIV_NAME] instead of the getElementById bit): [code] if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) { document.getElementById(DIV_NAME).style.height = auto; } [/code] Sorry that isn't a polished solution but it should get you some part of the way there. 2. You are right about the problems of cross-platform font sizes - I like this page for that problem: [url=http://style.cleverchimp.com/font_size/scale/]http://style.cleverchimp.com/font_size/scale/[/url] Agitprop: [url=http://style.cleverchimp.com/]http://style.cleverchimp.com/[/url] has a number of useful articles on this tricky area (and others). Anyway I can't believe this is your first site as there just aren't enough tacky secondhand animated gifs!!! Emps
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