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here...version 4.0..havent been here for a while...
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Overall I like the design. It looks very professional and all. Much better than I could possibly do right now. So I don't have any major concerns about the "look." But there are some things I would like to suggest concerning navigation and such ... Once the flash page loads I sat there and stared at the flashing pictures in the middle of the screen and waited for something to happen. I finally decided to move the mouse around and found that I could click on the pictures and move along with the show. What I'm trying to say is that there should be some indication that a click is needed to see what is next. That droning music was so damn annoying. I'm real glad you have the option to turn if off in there! The contact page has a cool toy on it, but is a bit confusing. I expected to click on the text on the left as if they were links, but, of course, I couldn't. It was only after realizing that the text didn't link did I move over to the rotating balls. I like your artwork in the GFX design section, but the stuff was a bit hard to see. Once I click on a thumbnail, can you make the picture any bigger? Showcase that work, buddy!! It's good. In the web design section, can you centralize the 'under construction' a bit. I didn't immediately notice it and so thought there was something wrong when just a blank secion appeared. Now from the above comments, don't get me wrong. I like what you got. I just wanted you to hear from a first time visitor the stumbling blocks you have there. :) [url=http://www.haughtbk.com] [img]http://www.haughtbk.com/shrooms.jpg[/img] [/url]
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