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TiN2K-D: Welcome. OK + and - it is then (Dracusis has made some good points but here is my take). Lack of progress on preloading: - Splash screen: - Pop-up: - Graphics: + Lack of hand on splash screen link: -- IE6 image toolbar: - Usability in 800x600: ---- (in fact in Op6, with ad, at 800x600 you can't see any of the content). Lack of actual text (all done in graphics): - Use of right click for navigation: --- Switching of scrollbars: --- And that is about that. This laptop won't go above 800x600 and due to the way things are setup (see above) I can use virtually none of the site. There are important guidelines on usability out there and you should have an understanding of how people access and use your page even (in fact especially) if you are going to go breaking the rules. It is a fine line people walk in innovative user interfaces and it is very easy to make things utterly unusable. You've basically popped up a new window and removed nearly all the conventional ways of navigating your page so you should make very sure you've got every angle covered and here you haven't. If this is for an actual working clothing company then you are really goin to have to rein in a number of the more off the wall ideas and try for something more conventional (do I have to mention Boo??) You need to consider people visiting with different browsers, resolutions, etc. and plan accordingly. It looks like you are trying something interesting and I'd really like to see it working but you are going to have to do much more work to get this working correctly and possibly compromise some of your artistic ideas so that more people can use your site. If the purpose of the site was just to have an interesting and innovative web site then you are some way to achieving that if it is to primarily sell clothes then you may be going down the wrong path. It should be possible to do something interesting but the trickier you make your navigation then the less you will sell. There are an awful lot of - above and I don't want this to seem too negative as it should be possible to do something bold without it impacting too heavily on sales but you aren't yet there I hope the reviews you get will help you rethink and reformulate your ideas and come up with something that works both aesthetically and practically. Emps
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