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Thanks for the rewiews! lots of god ideas to make the site better... I know the site only work in 1024*768 > , I decided to make it that way. now you wounder why? only becuse we have that resulution in school and I want the site to be opitmized for that resulution...not so smart if you doing a "real" page but this is only for school... Im going to make the splash better so the vistors understand to click on the img. I understand why you dont like the navigation, I only have it to impress my teacher...she already seen it and she was very impressed...if the site going online for "real" im going to make a navigationbar... I post a post when the changes have been done... yack! my grandma is better on english than me... rock on! [img]http://home.swipnet.se/~w-136022/Bilder/sig.gif[/img]
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