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*taps fingers while he waits for it to load....... hoping that he isn't wasting on a splash page* [i]*Thinking to myself*... that's a fuckin ugly background pattern...[/i] -and relief washes over me like the first waft of water on your face just after a good shave...... it isn't a splash page... *exhales* As the page finishes loading I am left alone in my room... staring at an eye-pleasingly rich layout. [i]Such a tasty green.[/i].. i think to myself and making a murmering sound that resembles "mmm...".. in a playful, light-hearted manner. [i]I wonder why the background wasn't washed over with a nice low sat green as opposed to that plaid non-sense....... but nevermind that.... i want to explore.[/i] The main character image... very appealing.... yet... i can't help but allow my own mind to wonder and know that you didn't make that grahpic yourself. Considering the nature of this website, however.... it's completely understandable...... *looks to the bottom*.. ahh. yes.. a note to the squaresoft copyright. good. As i take in the overall feel of the site.... no clicking or mouse movement.... just a staring contest between a screen and a beady set of tired eyes. *looks everything over* *still looking* *goes back to the top and looks some more* *analyzes* mmm... Ok.. here we go. A delightful little mix you've created here... no doubt. I like it on the whole. However.... there's a [b]slew of minor details that are scratching at me like a feather to an ear.[/b] The "version 10" and "TIDUS" texts are a tad blurry it seems. They just don't carry the crispness that is held in that beautiful image above it. Perhaps it's only a minor difference... but when arranged in this manner... the text gets beat down. Another possibility is that I'm being silly... and i should be wearing my glasses right now. But i don't think that's the case. I'm not overly fond of this "dotty" text either.... but i seem to see a lot more of it these days.... perhaps it's something i'll just have to come to terms with. You've put the words "wyvernsymmetry" in 3 different locations in the top portion alone. So i have to ask.... Why? People are already at your site if they are looking at this page..... you don't need to beat them down with the site name. I think the "wyvernsymmetry.com" located under the Final Fantasy logo in the center of the page is nicely placed... and that alone, should suffice. Furthermore.... you've gone along with this somewhat "boxy" style of a website.... a top portion... and a bottom portion.. and a colourfully integrated border. So don't kill it. In other words.... Don't go overlapping shit into the border. example 1 : Upper right corner.... those damn dots are running over into the border... take those fuckers out altogether. example 2 : Lower left corner of the upper box.... once again.... dots running rampant. example 3 : More dots down towards the bottom of the page.... it appears they are part of the "collage-ish" background/boarder..... however.... they are out of place.... make them go "bye-bye" In the 4th case of overlapping... I like the scenario... which is, the circular shape that kind of helps the eye connect the upper half of the page, and the lower half of the page. However... with that circle... I think it should be whole.. and not snipped by that lower portion's boarder... get what I'm sayin'? Make that circle be above everything. As long as i'm discussing depths in images.... i think that the HUGE circle around the navigation should get slipped behind the hair of that character... don't let it be ontop/overlayed/low opacitied like that. *just refreshed the Ozone.. and i see doc has commented in with a few things about this* So allow me to skip around now that he has me thinking... Doc is absolutely correct in that a sufer of this site needs to scroll up and down to click the links.. and to get to the content. That's far too much work for us lazy people. So cut and snip what you can for usability purposes. Okay... back to the beat i was on before the Doc posted. When sites say stupid shit like... "graphics intensive and slow loading ... but oh so kick ass" I'm inclined to close my browser. Don't tell me your site is kick ass. It seems you're wasting the space right there for non-sense when the NEWS could load directly to the front page. That's what the repeat visitors will want, no?... they want [i]"what's new"[/i].... so give it to 'em... without the fuss. I don't know what this "trying to escape from reality... blahzay blah..." stuff is...... i'm assuming it has to do with this version of FF? I'm not all that in tune with the final fatasy rage... so you'll have to excuse me. But i see this quote in two different spots on the main page. Again... my impression is that you're trying to fill the void of the bottom portion for the front page... when it'd make o' so much more sense to just load the NEWS there. Pressing on. I don't like hit counters. So that annoys me. When i mouse over buttons in the menu... I get the "clicky finger" for like a split second... and then my mouse returns to the normal pointer. If there aren't going to be bells and whistles on the buttons (ie... some little colour change to that dot on the right part of the menu) .. then visitors need that "clicky finger". So i click the [b]NEWS[/b] button. First thing i notice.... (after scrolling down) ... is that it says [i]"..... friday 5st april @ 10:16pm"[/i] Hrmm... i'm thinkin that should probably be changed to "5th" ... unless "5st" is the new in-thing. When i mouse over the links... they've got a slow fade that i find annoying. Even more annoying than the slow fade itself, is that they fade to a colour that can't be read on that background. The [b]STORY[/b] button... A bunch of links..... it'd be nice if there was like... a little thumbnail or something accompanying each link.... but it works peachy as is. [b]ART[/b]. There's a copyright thing plopped right into the middle of the whole thing. The rest of the page seems okay... nothing more than thumbnails... pretty straight-forward. The [b]BIOS[/b] and [b]WRITING[/b] buttons just take me to some lists of links.... once again.... straight-forward.. nothing to comment there. [b]FAQ[/b]. The FAQ summed up a lot of questions about the content and the overall bits and pieces of the site... it was a little eye-opener. Good stuff. If you can find a link to this "FFX Visual Arts Collection" book on Amazon.com or something.... i'd turn that little bit into a link..... kinda like giving extra credit for the image. I can't say too much about the blog, or the profile... that's all personal prefrence stuff there. And um... the rest of the links are pretty simplistic... nothing much to discuss. I might add... i was competely under the impression that you were a guy until i hit the profile section.... i'm not exactly sure why..... but i thought i'd throw that out there as long as i'm writing a damn book here. Overall i get a good feel. I like the colours/imagery. There's plenty to work on though. Having to scroll up and down should take priority in any layout changes you make. Mmm.. that's all for now. Post back with updates/questions or whatever... Cheers.
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