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Net Ninjas
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No Criticism? What's that? Your 'estimates' and 'process' pages I find a bit overwhelming. The first thing you want me to do on the 'estimates' page is go to your 'process' page. "HomePage: $400 US (one page)" Then at the bottom of your first 'process' page you say: Please note: This price ($400 US) reflects the cost of your one-page draft. Additionally, if you?d like to take advantage of our ?Ninjas Never Sleep? campaign, this draft can be ready within 48 hours for an additional $200 US. So what is it... $400 or $600 and how does this relate to: ?Ninjas Never Sleep? Emergency HomePage: $600 US (one page) Learn more? btw "Learn more" which I assume is supposed to take me somewhere...doesn't. None that I tried anyway. And please get rid of that bit of 'flash' that tells me that section is 'under construction.' Think about it for a minute. I have to wait while this thing loads only to be told there's nothing there yet. You could, I think, make better use of that animation in the same section where you tell me that 'custom buttons' are $15 each but you don't show me any. What if I don't know what 'buttons' are? Assume I know nothing about websites and that's why I'm at your site. Oh... is the page supposed to start way up at the top like that or is something clipped off? And other than a link to 'packages' there's no navigation at the 'bottom' of the page so I have to scroll back up... and of course every time I hit the 'back button' I again get that annoying 'under construction' flash. In my opinion you gotta do something with your navigation system especially if you're telling me, the potential customer, that you can build me a site that's easy to get around in. As for prices...market driven I'd say. So there you have it. Should you consider this "criticism" maybe you can just call it "input." :D
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