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Net Ninjas
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Red Ninja: Some thoughts before I go to bed (esp. as you asked so nicely!!): 1. I like he way the beige and blue work together but there is something that isn't really working for me but is hard to pin down. Its typified by the top left hand corner and the transition from the beige to the blue - it seems to cut across 3D features arbitrarily and takes away from the effect. 2. Your prices? I'm not sure we can advise you on that as it varies so much - its not outrageous but if you find that you aren't getting much work then that might be a sign that you are charging too much and vice versa. However, until you have sites in the portfolio I'm not really sure that you can charge quite those numbers but you'll soon find out. 3. I would say that the price layout page could do with simplifying as it is far too confusing at the moment (I did come up with a plan to get you to make me an animated gif, I'd then put a button on my site back to you and you would owe me $50). Put in an actual table to make it easier on the eye and then keep those notes at the bottom of the page and have a link down to them. 4. If I go straight to estimates I wouldn't have a clue what all this phase 1-2 or phase 3-4 might mean and would probably wander off. 5. Cutting off the top of creativity does make me feel that there is a little bit of the page just above the top of the screen. 6. Your box on the front page looks odd in Op6 and some of your other formatting goes a little wrong (like on the phase 2 page). 7. To be honest I'd cut out all that Phase business and just for put something like 'each new website is a new challenge so contact us for a bespoke quote designed to meet [i]your[/i] individual requirements'. If they want an idea of the phases they will go through then send them that (it may just be that I am tired and I really couldn't be bother ploughing through the text). 8. Your contact page has nothing in its title tag and everything must be as sharp and professional as possible. 9. There are services missing from your prices like server-side verse client-side scripting. Also what about the necessary bits for providing people with a site with e-commerce potential (shopping carts, databases, accepting credit cards). Overall its a promising start. I'd try and lay your information out in a clearer way and cut down on the amount a potential client will have to read (and only include the stuff that is really necessary for the initial stage). This is so much better than a big Flash animation. Which leads to the Flash question. I'm not sure too many people hate it - it is a powerful tool but must be used right. It can add considerably to a pages download and it does require a plugin so use it responsibly (or use it irresponsibly in very cool ways!!). I've seen some really great uses of it and I've seen some really bloated pages which just waste my time. If done well and used in the right context then I have no objections to it but it does take skill and judgement to get right. Anyway that is just my take on it - good to see you back RN hope the business goes well for you!! Emps
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