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Flash for the sake of interactivity is a wonderful thing. Flash for the sake of flash is a crime. Nobody is afraid that macromedia made it too easy and food will be taken form their mouths. Them making it so easy has encouraged many bufoons to load their pages up with useless, unattractive, non functional chunks of flash to show how cool they are. Not good . As far as the navigation - as has been said, there's just not much of it. If you have a long page like your estimates page, put a ro of text links along the bottom. Make them clearly visible and clearly seperate from the content. Also, you seem to have links in the middle of your pages, rather inconspicuously, that are not located anywhere else - so if I miss it in the middle of the page, I simply won't ever get that information. The graphical presentation - IMO, it's a bit heavy on the bevels. I don't know what method was used to create them, but they have a very heavy handed and "fake" feal to them. I am also bothered, as was Emperor, by the way the flat gradients seem to arbitrarily overlpa the 3D elements. How to sort it out? Well....simplify I guess is all really. Tone down some of those bevels, trim some of the fat. Another issue already mentioned that I feel I must reiterate - the layout of information. Reading your pricelists is quite an undertaking at the moment. I am no stranger to the concepts on which you base the prices, but still I am confused about what it all means...not a good sign. You've got to make sure that someone with very little concept of this will understand. And, FWIW - [b]crit·i·cism n. The practice of analyzing, classifying, interpreting, or evaluating literary or other artistic works. [/b] You can't post a site for review without asking for criticism... :) [img]http://www.in-dented.com/sigs/eggsig.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 04-12-2002).]
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