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The idea of your site and what you are doing with it seems very interesting. At face value, nothing caught my eye so I felt I owed it to this review to surf through the site before displaying my elitist critique of what I saw upon ariving. For the most part, the site is neat and tidy. The only thing that struck me as difficult "viewing" was the use of colors and the sizes of font text. I counted on a single page, seven different colors, which may not sound like a lot, but when you trying to focus on just one of those colors, the other six can be rather distracting. The best suggestion I could give you would be to pick the most important information on your site that you absolutely want viewers to see, and make that information stand out. The rest of the text can be smaller or placed in a location where the viewer can get to it, but for the most part at the moment your site seems very scattered when it comes to readability. However, the tabs at the top of your site were easy to navigate with and your site did not appear to have any broken links. A few more photographs on the site would add some real life spice to it. Give some thought to the use of colors and consider trimming down the randomness of text size all throughout the site. One size fit's all is a popular motto these days, and one that I tend to find comforting to the viewer and for myself.
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