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web whirlers
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Hello, I have done like many others, and created one of those "let's refer to myself as 'we', and pretend I am a real web design company" sort of pages. I first started working on this when I had made a freebie site, and they told me I could put a logo at the bottom with a link to my page. Since I did not have a page, I had to create one. So this is really more a fun thing I have worked on in my spare time, and not something I plan to make my living from. This page has everything - a pointless flash intro, scanlines, bevels, dropshadows, the color blue (and some orange too), so how could it possibly go wrong? I'm just waiting for clients to contact me. ;) Seriosly, I would appreciate feedback on this site. I have seen it for so long, that I feel I am sort of blind to what is good and what is bad. is the flash intro ok? I don't really care for intros myself, but this one is pretty small, and it is playing while all the buttons and stuff are loading anyway. Is this a good solution? The only reason I use frames is to center the page. I had to do that since I am using the zscrollbar on the home page. Would the page benefit from loosing the little news thing, so I could make one big centered table, instead of having to use frames? Does the page have too much content? I guess there is quite a bit of text... is it better to keep it "short and sweet"? I have no pictures at all, does this make it boring? [url=http://www.webwhirlers.com]http://www.webwhirlers.com[/url] Thanks in advance :) [img]http://www.sunnerbo.com/donald/zoxsig3.gif[/img]
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