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jigz: Glad to see you weren't put off by the the closing of the last thread (it just a technique for stopping the natives getting too reckless). I think I prefer this to the yellow one as it has a better structure some thoughts: 1. The background is possibly too distracting as you want people to focus on your content. 2. I've seen this idea done before (and better) and I'm not overly enamoured of the technique of restricting your content window by plonking a couple of iframes into a pretty picture. 3. The image is too long for 800x600. 4. Your controls aren't to obvious and don't seem to follow an obvious path - the eye wants them to run in a curve parrallel to that curve and they don't (they start off away from the curve get closer and then move away) - it 'jars' and gives the impression something is wrong (obviously in some art this is the desired effect but to break the rules well you've got to know them and break them well!!). 5. You'll want to center that image and have some kind of background to eliminate the white (personally I like that dark blue from the current version). 6. Having the link text against 3 different blues is unwise. You want 90% - of what? There isn't a wrong or right so we don't hand out marks!! Overall I like the look better than the previous one - I'm not convicened of the concept and the content areas are too low. #The Russian judge gives that performance a 3.2# One thought on the old design - use overflow: auto on those iframes to get rid of unneccesary scrollers. Emps
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