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kewlster.com redesign...again
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Okay, I like the header logo (could use better anti-aliasing on the end though), the main content box is good. The white on grey text with yellow title and orange links all works good for me. There are a number of things I don't like: [ulist] *The red borders rub me the wrong way. They kind of flash against the background visually for me and draw attention away from the content. Have you tried making the borders black? *I think the navigation header is not necessary. People will know what it is. *The header for your main content is often redundant, with the main header not only saying the same thing as the header just underneath it, but also the same font without an underline. I would be inclined to lose the top header, but if you want to keep both you should differentiate the main header by making it bigger. *I think the navigation would look better if the text were aligned either right or left, not centered. *The more I look at the navigation the more it seems separate from the rest of the page. Maybe if you aligned it with the main content table... *You might consider adding a few small images to pull the design together a bit more. For example, you could create little icons for the navigation links, then on each page have a big version of the icon next to the title. [/ulist] Hope that helps some. I don't necessarily like critiquing others' work because aesthetics is a personal thing. Nevertheless I've taken a lot of art classes, so I've learned how to give and receive criticism without pain. -jiblet
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