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Ooh, trying to do an entire site primarily using CSS for the fancy layout is not a good idea if Netscape compatibility is an issue. (As it will be, especially on older Macs. IE5.1 is a decent browser for the mac, but Mozilla is way slow, and Opera is buggy. Netscape is stable at least.) If I needed to make this site look the same for both Netscape and MSIE, I'd probably end up re-writing everything to use nested tables with bgcolors instead of <p> tags with classes. Oh! A quick fix that might get you by, you could always just specify the height of the table, I tried it at 250px and it allowed the picture to be seen without over-writing the text in the next section. The caption still got buried, and I'm not 100% sure why, I didn't dig into your stylesheet. (Though removing the text above and below the photo also allowed the table to expand to it's full height, even without the hard-coded height=250.) Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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