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I would have to agree with Emperor about offering an HTML version. There's really only one thing that bothered me about the main page: The "HERE" (for the Flash download) and "SIGN OUR GUESTBOOK" light up when you mouseover them, giving you a clear sign that they're clickable, but the "ENTER" does not respond at all, nor is it clickable. Instead, the little ball above it lights up, and that's where you have to click to enter the site. It only took me a split second to figure this out, of course, but it seems kind of counter-intuitive. The "Enter" link is the last of the three that you come to (moving from top to bottom), and you've already established the mouseover light up, so it's a bit jarring when it doesn't work as expected. Like I said, not a major usability problem of course, but it just seems slightly off. Maybe you could have "ENTER" and the ball respond together? Or maybe I'm just stupid, and my brain doesn't work as fast as everyone else's :). [Edit by Anal Retentive Grammar Boy :)] [This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 04-26-2002).]
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