OZONE Asylum
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Developing the Ozone "lost" pages, need feedback
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Oh yeah, I never realized that about the direction transitions, it does need to be smoother on this one! Good call. I want the open/close movements to be *really* fast, fast enough so I could run through the animation for each link clicked, (which I plan to load remotely.) Too sow and it'll get really annoying, real fast! :-) I hadn't really thought of having it interact with the mountains, I was getting too hung up on them as background elements and the interface as foreground. I'm also leaning towards #3 with the minor 3D elements added in, I'll have to make sure it doesn't get too busy once I clean up all the edges and add the necessary details though. I like the idea of the outlines appearing first, cheshire cat, makes me think of. I might have the top links swoop down and then up, with the window fading in between them both, maybe? I'll keep working on the look for now, this will remain mostly a Photoshop project until I'm happy with the little details. If it clicks like I hope, I may modify it and make it my new front page, I *really* enjoy this page! Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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