OZONE Asylum
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Developing the Ozone "lost" pages, need feedback
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Actually, if you could see the paper version (with somewhat sharper details) you'd find that that thing is actually a hacked-off column, kind of a greek/roman thing, used to be a recurring theme in my oldest works. Enough people have mistaken it, I guess it's time to clip that bit out and replace it with some more rocks and gras for the time being. As for the physics, it occured to me that if you were to stand in one place and spin around, (or perhaps more like, stand on a big turntable, at the edge, and let *it* spin) then the physics of the odd looking movement would make sense. Think about it, maybe yes, maybe no? Ah well, it looks cool, that's the important bit, heh. :) Last night I figured out how to do the open/close of that window, the gradient in the background really made things difficult. I figure I have a top and a bottom, each as half the gradient. I can move them apart and closer while adjusting the clipping properties of them so the gradient will still match in the middle, it should work, and look pretty neat, I hope. Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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