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You don't have too, and we all learnt with on hands on the stuff. Java... well, java is a particular thing, do not mix java and javascript. Java is *way* harder to master, because it can perform a whole lot of tasks, but for common stuff, you don't need java, you could need javascript. What you really need is a good sense of communication: simple/effective stuff for a fast running public (people who see, and either stay or hop to some other place). Then, if you ever want to make an effect and don't know how, you can either ask around, or find a website that does the trick and simply "open source" to view the trick. Me? Generally, I alternate periods of "graphics learning", and periods of coding. Recently, with the acquired experience, it has started to mix pretty well and I can hop from one to another without a problem. I'd say, choose "interface" tools, either Flash or DHTML, and learn them first. Make a couple of webs, and be aware of the statistics, they'll help you understand the needs and interests of the public. So you got a good grasp of what a site is, which purposes it serves and which tools do what. Consider learning html - or better xhtml first, really, it'll be handy. Then if you want to go with Flash, learn Flash and Action Script. If you prefer DHTML which still is my case, learn javascript and CSS. Be sure to check [url=http://www.w3schools.org]http://www.w3schools.org[/url] for that. And then, if you want to go further, get to know the server and server side.
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