OZONE Asylum
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i changed my layout again
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Yeah, when I first scanned down through your list of entries I saw the change from 2002 to 2001, but missed the change from 2001 to 2000. So I first thought you'd been journaling for only six months. Given that I've been journaling online for five years now, six months seems like a newbie to me. Eighteen months is a different story and it clearly says you're committed. The archives I was referring to is your journal entry selection page. Listings that go back more than a month or two, for me anyway, fall into the archives category. I'm glad you got what I was saying about the text capitalization and justification. It's one of those areas where personal taste is neither right or wrong and everyone's is different. "the most incredible feats are often accomplished by those who have had the most incredible challenges"
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