OZONE Asylum
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i changed my layout again
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tia: It is a nice look you've got there - I wouldn't have thought that shades of purple would work but it does - the dark purple area draws the eye and it all works together. I'm not suprised to read "My favorite color is purple.". Some thoughts: 1. I'd prefer to be told that the content of the main area on the main page is the site news - I did wonder for a bit. 2. It might be me but there look to be artefacts (I believe that is the technical term!!) on your face and possibly spoils the subtle effect you are aiming at. 3. Your code is a little odd - that is the smallest HEAD area I've seen - you don't actually have any head tags or you do but they aren't where they should be - they are inside your body tags. 4. You would really benefit from using some CSS to give you things like the hover effect on links (see briggl's CSS tutorials at the Gurus Network). You'd benefit from making them more prominent 5. I'd also slice up the navigation panel and have rollovers rather than an image map (see the Doc's rollover script at handson.nu). 6. It might help linking from the news on the front page to the section it is discussing. Its keeps everything joined up and helps with the flow through your site. 7. Give a more obvious link back to the main page. 8. As you are using PHP throw in a guestbook for people who don't want to comment on your news but might want to just say hello. 9. Why not add the ability to comment on your diary entries as well as the news? 10. Kill the IE image toolbar. 11. Make the pictures section like the rest of the site and add it to the navigation panel. 12. I do usually object to doble justification of text but it doesn't look too bad here. 13. You have no copyright notices anywhere and that isn't a good idea. 14. And I suspect that the header graphic is too tall for a 800x600 resolution. Overall it looks really good and works well. The main area that I feel needs addressing is the navigation to help people find what they are looking for (more links, more obvious links, etc.) but I'd also look into neatening up the code and looking into using CSS and adding a few more PHP features. Anyway good work. -------------------------------- I read your most recent entry - I hope you are feeling stronger. Manic depression is quite a strong trait on my Mum's side of the family (luckily I take after my Dad's side who are just odd). Hopefully the diagnosis is the first step to getting things straightened out. Emps
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