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Here are just a few things as I click through the pages: [b]Front Page: [/b] Even though It says in the right corner "Mackaborn Rhythm Artists" I still had a hard time telling exactly what the site was about. Even after that I still didn't know exactly what the site was "About". I feel that the picture would do better if it were centered. The color scheme is not right. The black background, black/white pics, funky blue nav, and red links. It no work for me. Silly silly font tags. [b]Profile[/b] MY GOD MY EYES!!!! That is one hideous yellow there! [b]Artists[/b] Not really sure what this page is about??? Are these people that are involved in the project or something? Are those there logos? I never really cared for using "click here" I think it makes it look cheap. [b]Newswire[/b] It's just text. There's not really anything to talk about there. White background for some reason. [b]sonic[/b] Now we're back to the black background again with just text. Those silly silly font tags. eeekkkk.... Now the links are blue??? [b]Striho[/b] Everything is on the right side. That is kind of strange. That red background is aweful. Not as bad as the yellow but damn near it. [b]Secrets[/b] Well its a picture a logo thingy and some text. OK I am going to stop there. Just a few things. There really are no graphics to comment on. The layout would be bad but there isn't really anything there except for a few pictures and some text. The pages are VERY inconsistant with each other. There isn't one thing that links the pages together. The blue nav bar really is TOO light. The font tags have got to go. On my computer I can barely read what it says so I have to adjust the Text Size, bummer. The red and blue links don't work well with the black background. It is really hard on the eyes. The main things that really bug me are the colors and those font tags. I can deal with not much graphics but man those color have got to go. I hope I wasn't sounding rude :) Later, C:\ ~Binary is best~
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