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Heh, yeah, what la'dsasha said... generally a good idea to warn people before you send them. [quote]The intention of this site is to demonstrate the versatility of Javascript and DHTML.[/quote] I completely understand how frustrating it can be to design sites using DHTML, but the statement above kind of struck me as odd in light of the fact that the page only works in recent versions of IE. I would think that, given your stated goal, you would want to try to build a cross-browser page, or at least offer different versions of the page to different browsers. I understand how much of a pain in the neck that can be (which is why I gave up DHTML), but why alienate a decent portion of the people out there? (I suppose, too, if you wanted to be straightforward about the limitations, you could just add "in recent versions of IE" to the end of that sentence.) [img]http://hwarang_.tripod.com/suho1004_sig3.txt[/img]
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