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<edit> sorry about using the quotes like that looks........silly </edit> [quote] FatRod: Nice implementation of the sliding menu [/quote] + cheers - i like it a lot [quote] 1. Do you have to use frames? You've done a nice job with them (as CPrompt has said) but if you can avoid using them then I'd recommend you did. [/quote] + why does everyone hate frames so much?, is there that much difference between frames or an iframe or docs zscrollbar. surely it saves relaoding menus and grafixs. It is a lot easer for me as the jobsearch function is CGI stuff (scary) [quote] 2. Your NS 4.x problem is interesting - what does it do in NS4.x? Apart from Brother Cake there are few that will work fully cross-browser: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=188]http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=188[/url] [/quote] + I prefer mine, I may use a direction script for NN and other browsers and use a compatible menu (?) [quote] I would expect something like that to degrade so that everything is displayed at once - if that doesn't happen then I don't think it is usable. How does the Doc's version degrade? [/quote] Yer can someone let me know exactly what happens in NN 4X (please) [quote] 3. The top frame looks ugly - what are you planning for that? [/quote] I tried to match the colour with IE6 default colour so she looks like an *extension* will have a logo and login up there, working on it, still worried about that though ! i saw something similar (cant remember where) with the same edges as IE6 - looked killa. [quote] Overall I like the implementation of that script but I don't feel you can avoid NS4.x in a business site. The old site is pretty basic and it looks like the direction you are heading in could work nicely - keep us informed of your progress.[/quote] wilko thanks for the feedback FR [This message has been edited by FatRod (edited 05-24-2002).]
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