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What I like - the nav DHTML info blocks are great...I really like the idea...and the navigation is pretty easy, and makes sense. Also, the information seems to be well organized and easy to find (though I can't actually read it). What I don't like - the text headlines...look jaggy, and don't really 'speak' to me...I would change that to something a bit more 'round' The choice of colors is really annoying...I don't like muave (or is that lila? I don't care, I hate it!). Also, using black for the nav pieces seems...overdone...those black pieces really dominate the page (which, I guess, they're supposed to...), however, they are very ugly. A color change here would do wonders... So as a prospective Firm, after seeing this, I would come to these conclusions: solid design skills, good coding capabilities (can't actually judge the the information...because I can't read it...maybe also putting it in english...would show language flexibility...), questions on the color choice and text...but most importantly...questions on Graphic Design. From the small amount of graphics used on the site, one would think that they would be 'an eye-opener'...but they are not. This would tend to get me thinking hmmm...poor graphic skills... [img]http://www.nullinterrupt.de/grafik/indianfaceoa.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 05-30-2002).]
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