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I think that this design has been done well. The only issues other than the grammar would be the images. The main image. If you really want it to be good you should go out and set up the fruit again just as you would want it to look and reshoot the picture. As it is now the photoshop job could have been a little better. There are some areas that don't mesh, the rasberry next to the cherry for instance. On the left top side you can see white, which doesn't belong. You also see this on the right side of the cherry that is on the bottom row. If you don't want to reshoot it, I would spend some more time on the image with the blur/smudge/airbrush tools. I would. The next issue is with all your images. They are far too dull. I worked some of them and found that upping the brightness by 12 and the contrast by 24 your bet far better quality on your shots. The fruit logo for instance looks a whole lot more inviting with those settings, as does the picture of the hanging cherries. For the picture of the workes processing the food +5 brightness and +10 contrast livened it up just a smidge (not really that much you could do with that one). The image on the 7 different fruits look much better a -15 brightness +20 contrast (yes less bright). The issues with the images are purely technical. I would think that you either scanned these photos in, or took them with a older digital camera. The better the fruit looks the better the site will sell IMO. That is what you are looking for. The one thing I am wondering about is who the audience really is? Right now this site looks as if it is aimed at the casual user, via the visuals. But at the same time, you don't really tell anything about how this company would supply the casual consumer. As an importer/exporter I would assume that it was aimed more towards corporations. Since importing / exporting usually works on bulk loads. You should really figure out the who the audience is and then work that into the site. You want to make sure you are getting to correct information to the correct people. [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/images/88x31/gurusnetwork.gif[/img] [/url]
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