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Okay... I removed the transparent blocks and replaced with an image... i'm not really good with coding so i usually have to use a WYSIWYG editor every now and then to help out so i don't want to really work with divs within divs within divs right now. text = white link = text = white a + b=c d=b a+d also =c only three links more uniform... Why is one part of the "texty" bits for that technical diagram done with flash rendered tect and the rest in the bitmap image? The background seems too busy.... It's also got some nasty jaggies. Same answer... must have matte inorder to not show show jaggy lines... it's jaggy lines now but atleast they're not white. two sets of text is done in flash because when matte the text looks ugly and it was due in about 20 min so i just erased that part of the bitmap and added text in. that technical diagram is my logo for those who do know me knows that i put that for all my designs... that is not a cup of coffee rather hot chocolate and it fits in nowhere but the text Dem clouds in the background image look way too big to me. damn main page has the least content because there shouldn't be anything there... teacher didn't say write an introductory paragraph I rather not do a gramma check i'm not a doctor... is it the coding that makes my site not universal... how can this be solved? [url=http://www.fusedeffects.com] [img]http://www.fusedeffects.com/Sigs/Ozone-Sig.gif[/img] [/url]
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