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Took [b]forever[/b] to load on dial-up. The animated background and small repeating-transparent gif background for the content frames was slowing my PC down to a crawl (AMD 1Ghz, Windows 2000 IE6). If you were to do it in DHTML and not flash then the animation would be a lot smoother and less CPU intensive. Animating large bitmap images in flash is never a great idea. That half transparent gif trick makes the text really hard to read. That trick only works well when the pattern is maintained. With text over the top the pattern is broken and it no longer fools the eye into looking half transparent thus causing all sorts of nasty jaggies around the text which is already jaggy enough to start with. Seriously needs that close button on the window. Better yet, just put the whole thing into a centered div/frames on the main page. Your text is white. Your links are also white. Why? The background seems too busy.... It's also got some nasty jaggies. Why's there a technical diagram in front of it? Where's the cup of coffee fit in except for the name? Why is one part of the "texty" bits for that technical diagram done with flash rendered tect and the rest in the bitmap image? Dem clouds in the background image look way too big to me. Why does the [b]main[/b] page have the [b]least[/b] ammount of content? Do a gramma check. The whole site is ~almost~ monocromatic but not quite. Which irks me a tad. Try and get a nice uniform blue (Unify the Hue but alter the saturation and brightness) running through the site then add in one other colour for highlights or things you want to stand out (links maybe). It broke in Mozilla / NS6 and Opera. (Not even gonna try NN4) Which makes it a rather selective site: Mast have flash Must have IE 5+ Must have use Windows OS (quatroGringo said it didn't work on his Mac, haven't check it from the mac myself yet). It's an OK site but you said you finished it in 2 hours and it shows. With more time it could be a lot better. [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 06-18-2002).]
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