Howdy Folks,
This isn't a site review as such but more of a review of a product description. I'd like to know if any of you think that the following product would be of value and at what price range (Under $5000, 5-10K, 20k?). One way of thinking of it is as a "backend in a box" that is completely customizable without programing. Seems like this would save LOTS of time and make database driven web sites more doable if the price and features were right...
1. TABLES. Users can create their own data tables. Instead of a pre-defined set of canned table structures and input forms based on what a developer thinks your needs are, users can create their own data tables and the forms necessary to populate them based on their needs or the needs of their customers. The process of table and form creation would be very easy and non-technical ("point and click", really).
2. FORMS. Users can create their own completely customizable forms; multiple forms could be created for a single table. Additionally, access to forms would be controlled by definable Group permissions. What this means is that one could create a data table for holding employee info such as name, address and salary. Someone with access to forms creation could create one form with all fields visible and editable for a Human Resources Manager and another form with only the name and address available and editable for a secretary or perhaps a temp. Forms could also be used to filter content.
3. FIELD TYPES. Predefined form field types that could be mixed and matched in any combination to create just about any conceivable input form. Field types would assure that the proper data type is automatically used in the table (for instance, if a user selects the zip code field type, a data type of character is automatically used for that field in the table).
Each field type would have its own unique set of user definable properties as well as others that are shared. Some of the shared definable properties would be whether a field is editable, read-only, or hidden; whether the field is required; default values can be assigned; notes, tips, or instructions that can be displayed in-line or within a pop-up, etc.
All JavaScript and Cold Fusion code necessary to present the field and validate data entry is automatically generated when the form is published for use.
An example of initailly useful field types are: Character, Checkbox, Currency, Date, E-mail, File Upload, Image Upload, Numeric, Password, Phone, Radio Button, Select, TextArea (WYSIWYG or Plain Text), Time, URL, Yes/No, Zip.
4. RECORDS. The presentation of records for editing would be optimized for productivity. Instead of a standard ?list and click for detail? scenario that would then take one to a separate page or bring up a pop-up window, records would be listed on the left side of the interface while the edit form is on the right. This would allow the user to perform tasks such as deletions, putting records on hold, releasing held records, duplicating records, etc on multiple records simultaneously and makes editing quicker. Records could be filtered, sorted and viewed a number of ways (by any viewable field or by record status, for instance) and there would be a search feature that would allow users to search on any viewable field.
5. USERS & GROUPS. An administrator could create custom group permissions that not only control what features of the data management system they have access to such as tables, forms, or records, but also what access to forms and levels of access a member of a group has. In otherwords, there would be no predefined roles, YOU would define the roles.
For example, an administrator could create a group that only has access to Records. The administrator may give their client access to this group. Their client could then manage the content of their site using the forms that have been created specifically for their client by the administrator. The client wouldn?t have access to Forms or Tables since they aren?t able to edit the code necessary for output. Another group could be created for a specific section of a Web site that has Add and Edit permissions, but no delete capabilities.
The idea here is that you can create your Web site with any editor and out of the box you would have a product that can create an intuitive and customizable back-end in a few hours or even minutes depending on the complexity of the site, with no programming.
Does anybody see a value in this?
Jon Betts
Glows in the Dark Studios