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OK, it's working now... Yep, too much white (er, black) space. You might just want to center it if you're going to use a fixed size. Also, I have to say that I do not like the navigation. Vincent Flanders calls it "mystery meat navigation," meaning that you don't know what it is before you click. Yeah, I looked in the status line and figured out that the question mark would take me to an 'about this site' page, and I know you explained the arrow, but if the navigation was self-explanatory you wouldn't need to do that. Also, there's no quick and easy way to get back to the front page (it's the last item in the pop-out menu). Of course, everyone has different ideas as to what works and what doesn't. Here's an idea (and I will not be the least offended if you choose to ignore it): That black space on the bottom left, where you have your sig-- make that taller and put your menu there, but use words rather than icons. You could have the pop-out menu pop up into the same space where it is now, but when the menu is retracted the pic would look a lot cleaner. I don't know if that made sense...
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