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poidesign: It is a nice looking site. Some quick thoughts: 1. The link to the tutorial on the front page is wrong - it reads: [url=http://www.poidesign.com/designwebsite/index.htm]http://www.poidesign.com/designwebsite/index.htm[/url] and should be: [url=http://www.poidesign.com/tutorials/designwebsite/index.htm]http://www.poidesign.com/tutorials/designwebsite/index.htm[/url] 2. Suho1004 is right about the animation. If the rule about not having too many moving things on the screen counted for animated gifs then it still counts for Flash animation. I'd ask myself why I'm adding those animations. 3 What is Bulent Bektas? It sounds like a Turkish name but clikcing on the graphic does nothing for me so I'm a little mystified. 4. I'm not sure why the text is a graphic on the need a website page - in fact now I check there is virtually no actual text on your page nearly everything is a graphic and this can't help with your searche ngine indexing. 5. I'd try and do something with the Asylum Ring box as it looks a little odd where it is. Work it more into your design or centre it in that white area. 6. You aren't making very good use of the amount of space available and the design doesn't seem very expanable. 7. I'm not sure of the significance of the graphics in the middle left (eye, frog, penguins, etc.) they are nice graphics but what are they saying? What feeling are they adding to your page? 8. The eye on the tutorials page is the same as that used at Ikazoom - I wouldn't be recycling elements so obviously. 9. Their doesn't seem to be an overall feel to the page. You have those two buttons with the cutoff corners in the top right but nothing else on the page reflects that theme. On the front page you have a large pixel font thingy, but you logo top right is nicely done in 3D. You should try to keep a consistent design thread running through everything you have on the site. 10. Why boast about being an internet junkie? I'm not sure that would instil me with confidence if I were a prospective client. 11. Is the site a business site or a tutorial? It seems to be lacking focus - if you are touting for business then you could do with the big sell being on the front page and a list of your skills somewhere. [edit: 12. Your sunflower has a 1pixel high white line across the bottom right edge - I'm not sure if it is intentional but it looks like a mistake. 13. I don't lie people adding extra characters to the start of the TITLE tag as it makes my task bar buttons pretty meaningless - but thats me.] Overall I really like what you've done but the site needs more focus on selling yourself and less about adding fancy bits that have little use. Good work. ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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