OZONE Asylum
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Re-designed my site.
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Yes, it is your personal site, so you can pretty much do whatever you want with it. But you did ask for a review. Whatever you do decided to do, at least know that a lot of people consider too many animations annoying, and people are drawn to stuff that moves. If it has no real meaning or purpose on your page, then you should ask yourself what people are being drawn to. Yes, it's your personal page, but you're not the only one visiting it, right? If you'd like other people to frequent it, you should take other views into consideration. I found that most of your responses to Emps thorough review were pretty much along the lines of "Well I like it this way, so there. :p" The only things you acknowledged were actual errors, but in terms of design, etc., you really didn't seem open to any suggestions. So why the review? If you're just going to ignore the effort people have taken, why bother posting here? Just my two cents. I still like the site...
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