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I?m getting bored of my emm?. [url=http://www.Christopher-cope.co.uk]my grey and dull site[/url]. So for the past few weeks I have been playing around with ideas/colours/navigation ideas/etc and now I have a design which I like and think can work. The site is made up of layers for the navigation and content. It?s made out of layers because I don?t want to have about 30+ pages and the navigation I like as it all works on one page than changing pages to show something else. The problem I can see with this is the main content. Which is all in a layer, meaning that the whole page would have to be downloaded to view most of content. Which for 56Kers is bad. If you?re a 56Ker and your having problems with it now then I would have to re-think how the content is shown, because the site I have made has only 7 images, the end one will have about 30+ of images ranging from 40K ? 50K in size. So in the end it?s going to be a big ass file to load in all at once. I have the perload images code but that still means downloading a lot of little files. But that file size bit can be over come in a few ways. The thing I would to know is what is it like for a 56Ker? And is it ok on a mac? (I can test It on a mac tomorrow so no need to rush for that). Below is two links on to a pop-up and the other in just a normal window. I want it really to be in a window centred, but as it uses layers it would go all over the place as layers are fixed form the X & Y. That?s why I might just have it a pop-up or in frames. I don?t like the sound of frames as it would consist of four pages and the main page (letter box type frame style) but I hate frames so a pop-up does for me, even though I know that most of you will kill me for doing it!! :P. [url=http://www.christopher-cope.co.uk/temp/Re-design%20idea/index.htm]pop-up[/url] ? pop-up window [url=http://www.christopher-cope.co.uk/temp/Re-design%20idea/open.htm]normal[/url] ? normal I have tested it in (under win2k):- IE 6 = Works fine NN/Mozilla 7/1 = Works fine Opera 6 = Some of the layers are a little out of line but I don?t know how to fix it. I have tried all things and it will not nudge then down about 5px So what do you think? Is it too much for a 56Ker? What do you like about? Does it work for you? Tell me :D Emp: Thanks for the help on the DIV only CSS, but I just had to dump it as something just messed up and the page CSS just took over agian. ~ Runs far away as I know it?s a bandwidth killer for the humble 56Ker ~ [url=http://www.christopher-cope.co.uk/]-- DS --[/url] [This message has been edited by Darkshadow (edited 06-21-2002).] [This message has been edited by Darkshadow (edited 06-21-2002).]
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