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chris: I think that it needs a little more. It is still really plain jane. If that is what you want then that is fine, it just seems a little too bare to me. I think the pop-up window would work best as it is now. When you click a link to the artwork, it moves the page up and hides the links. There needs to be a link to get back to the main page. When I view the artwork and other stuff, I can't get back to the main page. I just saw that the little [x] in the corner will take you back to the main site. Might want to rethink that, I thought it was a link to close the window. :) There seems to be a link problem. When I click on "Info" then "Basic" I see the info, but then when going to "Artwork" I get nothing when I click on the links. It would be real nice to have the sub links line up with the main nav links. Like when you click on "Info" the "Basic" is directly across from the "Info" link. does that make sense. To center the popup window have a look [url=http://dhtmlnirvana.com/alchemy/centerwin.htm]here[/url]. Just my 2cents and they are always free :D Later, C:\ ~Binary is best~
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