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I'll be back in a few minutes with some 'instructions' . . . . . . here they are: The first thing you'll have to do is creating a 1x1 pixel transparent gif and setting it as the source for all the gallery images. But don't change the proper width and height settings in the code, it's easier to leave them as they are than to change them with the javascript. Now you should have empty spaces in the layers where the images are supposed to be. Next, go through all the <img> tags again and add a name="whatever" attribute (each img needs to have a different name). The tags should then look like the line I posted yesterday: <img [b]name="artwork001" src="pixel.gif"[/b] width="500" height="250"> <img [b]name="artwork002" src="pixel.gif"[/b] width="500" height="300"> . . . Now, if someone clicks a link to one of the pictures (say //001) we need a javascript that changes the appropriate <img>'s source to the actual file. Change the links you have now like this: <a href="#" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('A1','','show','A2','','hide','A3','','hide','A4','','hide','A5','','hide','A6','','hide','A7','','hide','A8','','hide','A9','','hide','A10','','hide','A 11','','hide','A12','','hide','A13','','hide','A14','','hide','A15','','hide','A16','','hide','A17','','hide','A18','','hide','A19','','hide','A20','', 'hide','D1','','hide','D2','' ,'hide','I1','','hide')[b]; document.images['artwork001'].src='interface/artwork/001.jpg';[/b]">//001</a> (The bold part is the important one) You'll have to go through all this for each image and link, replacing 'artwork001' by the name you gave the image. Hope that kinda works :) [This message has been edited by kuckus (edited 06-19-2002).]
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