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DS: I must say that I liked the stark minimalism of your old site but we must have progress and change :) Some thoughts: 1. I'm not sure what went wrong with the code - if you have a copy of what you did then I can have a look through it and see what can be done. 2. I don't think I need to say that I think the popup is a bad idea :) 3. I know you are dealing with it now thanks to kuckus (that is the solution I'd go for in these circumstances) but just having the site as layers doesn't seem to be a good idea. It has potential cross-browser problems and, as you have a 'light' site design there is really no need for this - pages will load pretty quickly anyway. 4. I can't see that all those tables (at least 4 nested tables at one point) are needed - you could certainly make more use of DIVs to reduce the reliance on tables (in fact does this design work at all in NS4.x? If not and you are keeping it that way, which I wouldn't advise, then you don't need tables at all). The code (and your use of layers) is bloating what should be a very sleek page. 5. I like the colours but I feel like I need a darker colour - possibly a dark grey or green might work. 6. FONT tags???? In this day and age!!! 7. I'd make more use of the page - the site just looks like one that should be in a popup and you could either make the design liquid or do something with all that spare space (on larger screen resolutions). Overall I like what you are doing at it seems a much more open and inviting design - there are a few issues that need addressing but you've done well - nice one!! ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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